Thursday, March 6, 2014

Things that are Pure, Lovely, Admirable, Excellent, and Praiseworthy

Have you figured it out yet? The devil knows he cant have your soul (as long as you are Gods child), but he wants to control your thoughts. You see, if he can deceive you into believing a bunch of lies, then you're gonna live in defeat and lose your effectiveness as a Christian.

Aside from reading Gods Word and hiding it in my heart, the next best thing I can do to set my thinking straight is to count my blessings….to look for His goodness in everything. Philippians 4:8 says, Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” So these are just a few of the excellent and praiseworthy things God has given me. 

218.  Sittin around the fire pit with family and friends
219.  The smell of new books
220.  Old, worn books
221.  Good books
222.  Picture books
223.  Board books that still get read -- Goodnight Moon, Five Little Monkeys
224.  Friends that go way back...the kind you have a history with

225.  Five little monkeys sitting on the couch watching a movie
226.  The sons first paycheck
227.  Citronella torches
227.  Benadryl cream
228.  Dreams come true
229.  Angels in disguise and lessons well never forget

230.  Plumbers and painters
231.  Lazy days by the pool
232.  Peach cobbler
233.  Three-hour lunch with a bestie 
234.  Double-date night
235.  Baby-sitters
236.  Crockpots
237.  Hand-written recipes from my grandma (whos now in heaven with Jesus)

238.  The sound of my girl preparing breakfast in bed for me
239.  Family-time on the couch watching Little House or The Waltons
240.  Baskets full of new books for the school year
241.  Getting to watch the BIG orange ball disappear across the horizon
242.  The sunroof -- I love me some sunshine!
243.  Tears that give me an opportunity to encourage a friend
244.  Birthday breakfasts
245.  K-LOVE
246.  Freedom from towels having to be folded the right way
247.  Compassion replacing bitterness
248.  A new place to serve and grow
249.  George Washington-hair silliness
250.  Snapshots of the incredible servants my babies are becoming
251.  Challenges that remind me I need God more than anything
252.  Excitement of a new school year
253.  Gods soverignty
254.  Game night with friends
255.  Wisdom shared -- grandparent to grandchild

256.  Bubbles floating up to the sky
257.  Vastness of the ocean
258.  Sand between toes
259.  Peace and quiet
260.  Rainy days...all in a row
261.  Borrowed crutches
262.  Anesthesia
263.  Skillful hands that repair
264.  Physical therapy/therapists
265.  Rolling chairs
266.  My very own Kris Kringle…he brings a special joy to the season of Christmas

267.  A clean garage
268.  Rubber-maid storage bins
269.  A full emergency-chocolate jar
270.  Little hands in sticky dough
271.  A new recipe thats yummy
272.  Confidence enough to veer from specifications
273.  Acorns crunching under-foot
274.  Annual Hokey-Pokey with the turkey
275.  Long naps on a rainy day
276.  Caroling with friends in the neighborhood -- and seeing the faces of those who open the door
277.  Silent Night sung by candlelight
278.  Sweet little angel face sleeping peacefully

279.  My new Kitchen-Aid mixer -- how did I ever live without one for so long?
280.  Old home videos
281.  Hand-made Christmas gifts
282.  Mercy
283.  Shopping with a friend
284.  Empty squares on my calendar -- which mean I don't have to go anywhere!
285.  The smell of fresh pine
286.  Growing friendships
287.  Christmas on Sunday (a double blessing)
288.  New beginnings
289.  Being able to worship with my church family via U-Stream even if I can't be there
290.  A new soft and cozy robe
291.  Lazy Saturday mornings
292.  My favorite Christmas tree ornament…the one Ive had for as long as I can remember

293.  Hershey Mint Truffle Kisses
294.  Ice packs for boo-boos
295.  The way my mom makes me laugh and can cheer me up in a second
296.  A good ol game of Mexican Train

297.  Tire swings
298.  Chips and salsa (REAL salsa, that is)
299.  Zip lines
300.  New eye-glasses
301.  Music from Phantom of the Opera
302.  A husband that doesnt mind taking over biology lab for me

303.  Daffodils springing up in unexpected places

304.  Free e-books from Amazon
305.  The quiet before the dawn
306.  Friends that take care of you by providing a meal after you've had surgery
307.  The best strawberry cake ever…Chantelles
308.  Overnight retreat with my Lifegroup (Gloria, Paula, Amanda, Toni, Tammy, Courtney, Stacey, Dee Dee, and Rene')
309.  The BEST Lifegroup ever…and the woman (Rene') who said yes to God when he asked her to lead it
310.  The great memories and friendships I made while serving as a Lifegroup Leader in Route 56
311.  Walking in my daughters room this morning and seeing this…I have no greater joy than to [see] that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:5

312.  Buds on trees
313.  Thursday morning chapel at Christ Covenant School
314.  The patch” for sea sickness
315.  Camp Electric
316.  Girls Night Out
317.  Yummy smelling hand soap from Bath & Body Works
318.  Being able to walk and carry something at the same time
319.  An entry way full of leaves on the floor cuz it means people have come and gone and graced me with their presence
320.  Electric carts for grocery shopping
321.  Pre-lit Christmas trees
322.  Old-lady glasses Readers
323.  Mishpocha reunions
324.  Doggie training school
325.  On-line Bible-studies
326.  Pool therapy
327.  Girl Scout cookies
328.  A sink full of dirty dishes
329.  A house full of kids
330.  An invitation to a friends house
331.  My hubby preparing a meal for me
332.  The sweet sound of the words You should take the day off, Lis.
333.  Test-driving a Jeep on a pretty day (with no intention to buy just yet)
334.  Healing -- physical and spiritual
335.  Friends who know ALL about you, accept your shortcomings, and love you still

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