I've trained both my kids to just come up to me (when they need it) and say, "Mama, I need some lovin'.'"
My baby (6 years old) fell asleep in my arms on the couch and we napped together
Online Bible Tools -- Bible Gateway, Strong's Concordance, etc.
Time spent with my mentor, and the beautiful godly woman that she is
Automatic coffee pots with timers
A pastor who tells it like it is
A "Jonathan Sperry" for my son -- Mr. Jim Ramsey
Getting to hold a newborn baby -- the smell, the feel -- and then getting to give him back to his mama ;)
A girly day with my mama and my daughter
A heart-to-heart talk with my mama
The smell of autumn -- pine needles, apple strudel, pumpkin pie
Pandora Radio (Chris Botti while I write tonight)
A man (MY man!) who's not too proud to....
Women gathered around my kitchen table....talking, laughing, sharing
Climbing into my bed when it has fresh, clean sheets
Finding a new favorite perfume -- Love and Luck by Ed Hardy
Good friends for my children
Miss Nan (my Life Group/Sunday school teacher) -- her wisdom and forthrightness
Little House on the Prairie DVDs
Waking up to my husband kneeling on my side of the bed with his hands covering me in prayer
Scratching an item off my "to do" list
Nothing and no one can thwart what the Lord Almighty has planned (Job 42:2)
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